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September 01, 2009



The picture is so wonderful !!!


Fall is one of the most wonderful times of the year! I am priviledged to live in the Chattanooga, Tennessee area in the foothills of the lower Appalachian Mountains.

You talk about some beautiful foilage, we have it here.

If you want to stay in the area, I'd recommend a bed and breakfast or cabin rental. There are plenty to choose from!



Just about anywhere on the East coast is amazing in the fall. Sadly, I was on the West Coast this fall and missed out on a lot of it :(


That is an awesome pic and the trees have got to be at their prettiest in fall. The red is so vibrant and warming.

Raised Garden Beds

My backyard is always full of leaves when Fall comes. I always have a problem sweeping it.

Boracay Hotel Package

Fall is considered the beginning of winter because during that time the world is slowly preparing for winter.

Dave Huffman

Lake of the Ozarks has great fall colors. With all the state parks and rolling hills there are tons of fall foliage here!

Car Hire

That's an awesome picture! I love it. I like the colours and the green contrast. Nice one :)


Gorgeous photo!

RV Renovators

I love Arizona but colors like that make me want to get out of Dodge.... At least for a short vacation.

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