Homeland Security and the TSA have been driving everyone nuts for months now over their ban of liquids on planes. In an effort to make everyone safer they have made it much more difficult and frustrating to fly and according to a report last month authorities at the denver International Airport, "failed to find liquid explosives packed in carry-on luggage and also improvised explosive devices, or IED's, worn by undercover agents." Apparently we're all being hassled incessantly with no real results except we're all a few nail clippers lighter. According to a study by the government's General Accounting Office, 90 percent of guns and explosives federal agents tried to smuggle on to a plane got through at 15 different airports (they did not report the number of corkscrews that slipped through). Understandably, the TSA would prefer things like this to go unnoticed, "The last thing TSA wants to do is look bad in front of congress and in front of the public, so rather than fix the problem, they'd rather just keep them quiet." What a shame that all this inconvenience is doing nothing to make us safer.
(thanks boingboing)