If the prices for renting a car ever seemed arbitrary to you the reason is probably because they are. Over at The Consumerist, there's a great piece by a former manager of Enterprise with 9 tips to help you get the cheapest rental car possible. If you don't have the time to plow though the whole article, we'll supply you with the highlights-
- There aren't any set prices. Prices are completely fluid based on the number of cars on the lot, when the lot is full you can get great deals.
- Extra rental insurance is totally unnecessary. That being said, agents will generally knock down the daily rate of your car if you're willing to pay for the extra insurance.
- Most Enterprise business comes from insurance rentals. If ready to lie and say you're renting a car as a replacement you can sometimes knock as much as 50% off the price.
- Cars are cheaper on the weekends at any Enterprise neighborhood branch. If you're looking to get a good deal on the weekend stay away from the airport and head to the city lots that are full of cars.
- Call on Friday right before 2pm for the best deal. Agents love renting cars before two in the afternoon because then it's not counted on the branch's books for the day.
- Enterprise managers really, really want a 5 out of 5 rating on customer service. Apparently managers are so keen to get a 5 out of 5 rating from customers that they will happily wave the fees for such things as forgetting to fill up the tank.
- Your price depends on the agent's mood. Agents hate having to schlep customers from their house and you'll get a better rate if you walk in rather than making them come get you.