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February 04, 2007


fun weekend getaways

Thanks for the list! I guess i'd like to have a vacation in a white sand beach!


Emergency Plumbing Liverpool

To bad that when my vacation time is always on December not February. But I do celebrate valentines day with my wife.


Nice view of the sunset. Lately I have never seen sunsets because I always wake at night because of work.

Stop snoring

Last Feb. 14 is our first Valentine Day with my wife and to our newborn baby. We just stayed at home, had a little candlelight dinner and thanked each other for the unconditional love we have :)

Jenna Arnold

There are so many place to choose from its so hard to pick where you want to go. Especially when its a once every few years kind of vacation. But I love the vacations in the tropics. Thanks for the links :)

David Maslow, the Vacation Getaway Guy

I always try to pick some place that is local for Valentines Day. It is easier since the holiday is very short.

Darius Cartmell

Well, what better time of the year for a getaway with your special someone? Sure you can be all lovey-dovey at any time of the year, but it you've got to admit, it's a bit more special if done during Valentines Day. For one thing, men have an excuse to dabble on their feminine side and be all mushy and soft. Men, let's face it, masculinity is thrust out the door once your holding a bouquet of flowers and a teddy bear with a heart, which, in my book, is okay from time to time.
As for a vacation spot, for me though would have to involve a body of water, and a property that I can invest on.
No, just kidding. I meant I and my special someone can invest on

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