If you decide to make a trek to Baltimore anytime soon be sure not to stay more than 48 hours, or at least don't park your car for any longer than that - according to the city, any car that stays put for over 2 days is considered "abandoned." Reason Magazine has a short blurb about it, saying that local resident Milton Boyd, thought his car had been stolen after returning from a two-week holiday only to find out that he owed over $350 in fines and fees to the city after they hauled away his car that was parked legally.
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If you decide to visit Baltimore, you would do well to park your car in a public lot and pay, rather than take up valuable parking used by the residents. Most of the residential neighborhoods around the tourist areas (the Inner Harbour, for example) are zoned, and the street signs very clearly indicate this. Also, when you move to Baltimore, the rules for parking are available to any citizen who takes the time to look them up on the Parking Authority's website. While it sucks to have one's car towed away, it's not like the city doesn't warn you about the 48 hour rule.
Posted by: Carol Ott | November 07, 2006 at 05:21 AM
Thanks for the tips Carol!
Posted by: tripcart | November 07, 2006 at 05:58 AM